A Yoga Experience

Originally written on 16th August 2014.

Like many people, I have often heard about yoga and the many benefits it brings to both body and mind. Yet the closest I have come to becoming a Yogi myself was a couple of 15-minute sessions with the Nike Training Club app on my mobile phone.

So what changed? Well, happily I was already following the Jamie Yoga Facebook page when the start of a new outdoor rooftop yoga class was announced, which grabbed my attention quicker than most of the notices that fly past my wall on a morning… the opportunity to take part in the first class of a rooftop session within the city of Leeds was something I just couldn’t miss.

The class was “Rocket Yoga” and scheduled to begin on the morning of 13th August from 07:30, offering an hour of invigorating exercise for body and mind, under the pleasant albeit slightly grey sky of Leeds city centre. I’ve always enjoyed early mornings in Leeds, watching the walkways begin to fill as the city comes to life, knowing I would shortly be partaking in yoga above the city streets made this morning all the more special.

Jamie Blowers, the man behind the Jamie Yoga brand, “offers a contemporary yoga practice for the beginner student and beyond.” The Jamie Yoga Facebook page explains that Jamie’s approach is “fresh, fun, modern, and energetic” and perhaps offers a great opportunity for people who have considered taking up yoga but been put off by some of the more spiritual aspects.

Having closed down his previous company, Yoga Labs, so that he “could be more creative, and wouldn’t be tied down to one studio,” Jamie is now running 22 classes per week split between Leeds and London, with approximately 10 participants per class. If the size of the classes surprises you, be assured that this is definitely a positive, as explained by the Facebook page: the smaller size helps ensure that each participant gets individual attention and assistance and the sessions are kept friendly and fun. Having now experienced this first hand, I can thoroughly recommend the approach.

The venue itself is simply stunning, surprisingly so for me as I have walked past the entrance within Leeds city train station for so many years without giving it a second thought. Straight ahead through the double doors you are greeted by an impressive reception, with lifts to the working floors and the roof space only a few strides beyond.

Efficiently brought to the top of the building, I was given a welcome opportunity to view the streets below from a side window and take in the smart interior of one of the newer additions to the Office Group. The lightly coloured walls blended perfectly with the more industrial partitions, conduits and lighting, with more elegant gold lamps and gold banisters on the wide open stairways helping to lift the interior. I could easily forget I was within a stone’s throw of the hustle and bustle of the train station; a truly wonderful place to work and relax. A short flight of stairs later and we were on the roof.

As a frequent visitor to Leeds city centre, I like many of you are intimately familiar with the City Square area, but this was the first time that I had had the opportunity and pleasure of being able to look down upon it from such a marvellous location. The views from this vantage alone would have made the experience worthwhile.

Laying out the provided mats, Jamie allowed us just enough time to take in the view before we were all promptly summoned to take our positions. This was it, my first ever yoga class and it was all happening in the glorious fresh air.

I recall at least three distinct routines, although the class itself was conducted without a break and moves quickly and seamlessly from routine to routine, so there may have been more. Each set of poses progressed from the Downward Dog, which being somewhat stiff from a run the day before, I initially found quite challenging to hold correctly, before moving on to a push up and the rest of that particular routine.

Jamie was attentive throughout, offering individual guidance and support on how to carry out each pose. As a total beginner, I found this especially helpful as, feeling fatigued and less familiar with the various poses, it was at times difficult to copy the demonstrated pose exactly or ensure my legs for example remained fully outstretched whilst struggling to keep my balance or focus on my breathing, all the while trying to keep pace with the rest of the class.

The class progressed at a quicker pace than I was anticipating, so If you come expecting a relaxing, more meditative session, you may be in for a shock. Yet the standard is achievable, even for people like me who have a very modest level of fitness. Afterwards you will feel energized, wide awake and raring to go!

The routines built upon each other, such that your entire body has been stretched and conditioned by the end of the session. Afterwards I felt a noticeable difference from my typical morning stiffness, which was invigorating. The guided relaxation for the final few minutes helped cool everybody down and offer an opportunity to relax and de-stress before tackling the rest of the day. With some gentle assistance from Jamie pushing my shoulders back into the mat, I realized just how tense modern life can make us. Already familiar with running, I am sure that adding yoga to my fitness routine will definitely boost not just my physical health but also and importantly my mental health and overall wellbeing too.

The rooftop sessions will continue weekly each Wednesday from 07:30 at a cost of £8 each, or £5 if you are a member of 1 Aire Street. Further times and locations are offered both in Leeds and London, and if none of those are suitable Jamie has also developed numerous students into trainers, some of whom are now running their own yoga classes. The venue, both indoors and out at 1 Aire Street, is simply stunning and with showers and refreshment facilities also available, it will be hard to imagine a more appropriate location.

My entire experience from start to finish was incredibly worthwhile, and something I would highly recommend. Rooftop yoga is something everyone should try, and if yoga in Leeds is what you’re after, the rooftop sessions at 1 Aire Street will be very hard to beat.